
RP :: Hard to See the Moon

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Hard to See the Moon


*An evening in London, March 31, 1912: the marketplace crowd is thinning as the sun dips lower in the sky and men of the working class return from their jobs to crawl the pubs and the houses of ill repute; this is a gritty part of London, thoroughly unwashed (despite its proximity to the Thames...jolly little pun, that), but it is not limited solely to the impoverished-- a flash of tweed and well-trimmed trousers are periodically interspersed with the shabby weeds of the working class, dandies threading their way to the whorehouses and opium dens...because...why not? ...Okay, lost my thread of thought, moving on...*

Leslie: *lingers by a roadside stand positively overflowing with flowers; women are pressing them on every passerby, telling them to take them home to their sweethearts; he somehow manages not to draw their attention and pauses by a bouquet of roses, leaning over and smelling dreamily*

Frances: -hand holding his hat to his head, can be seen scrambling along the rooftops lower to the ground, grin mischievous and triumphant as he just 'hops' down, but not without momentarily losing his footing; tugs his coat as if nothing happened, strolling with his prize, a loaf of bread, in hand-

Leslie: *procures himself a white carnation and moves slowly down the street, rolling the stem between his fingers and looking down at the bloom pensively-- not a particularly happy expression*

Frances: -after scooting in and around a few crooked alleyways, hops out to walk the main street, tearing off a chunk of bread, downing the bite quickly, all the while keeping an eye out for the baker-

*further down the street, from the direction of the nearest docks, a man strolls along looking decidedly out of place-- his skin is as tanned as his hair is bleached by some foreign sun, and his stiff, swift gait and posture, if not his coat, peg him immediately as a military man; he gazes with interest at the signs presenting him with the various lousy luxuries this district has to offer*

Elaine: -strolling leisurely about the streets of this 'lousy' part of town, russet hair undone and teasing her hips at every step, seeming in no real hurry to get anywhere (for now, at least) and nodding to a few young men with a charming little smile-

*an arbitrary drunk makes a clumsy, rather physical pass at Elaine*

Elaine: -minding her business, for the most part, so is momentarily taken aback by the advance, but at least manages to duck to the side, shrieking once it becomes obvious the man isn't interested in leaving her be and makes yet another advance-

*suddenly the arbitrary drunk is distracted by a bronzed fist inserted briskly into his face; the tall military man had been pausing to contemplate a particular sign, but had rather calmly yet smartly strode forward to intervene when he saw and heard what was happening; the fist is accompanied by a disapproving,* Not very sporting, sir!

*the arbitrary drunk has no ready response, as he's out cold in the gutter*

*the tall man blinks down at him, then over to Elaine; quick, formal bow* I'd take off my hat, miss, had I one. Charles Abernathy. No harm done, eh?

Elaine: -more than a little wide-eyed from the events that just passed; tucks some hair behind her ear and offers a small curtsy to the gentleman- No harm at all, which I have you to thank for, so the pleasure is surely all mine, Mr. Abernathy.

Abernathy: *moustache writhes as he smiles and arches an eyebrow* I say, polite, well-mannered little thing she is, walking the streets.

Elaine: -merely flashes a charming, secretive little smile- Manners are quite  invaluable in today's society, even when one strolls the worse for wear streets.  Ah, speaking of might call me Elaine.

Abernathy: *slightly sardonic* And such impeccable grasp of the good King's English... *bows again* I might just call you that, then, Miss Elaine. Are you in dire need of an escort in these slums, or do you prefer to get accosted at every step of the way...?

Elaine: Well, I certainly don't intend to cover who I am for the off-their-face bunch about the streets.  -laughs quietly- You are a charming man, and I prefer to avoid being accosted... -taps her chin, as if in thought-

Abernathy: *folds his hands behind his back* I had intended to drink myself into a celebratory stupor off the delightful swill they offer in these earthy pubs, but there are better places, with better spirits, where I could take you...that might be more suited for you. *lifts both eyebrows now*

Elaine:  More suited, you say? -playful smirk-  Dear Abernathy, do not let my nightly...strolls keep you from your celebration.  The nice men of service deserve to have a wonderful time.

Abernathy: *dry as a good Chardonnay* I daresay I'd have a better time knowing you were somewhere safer, Miss Elaine. Does your family know where you are? *set of eyebrows is now meaningful*

Elaine: Of course, but I assure you, I am within my rights to be out.  -arms cross over her chest, chin tilted confidently- I fair quite well on the streets, but your kindness is taken to the heart, Mister Abernathy.

Abernathy: *skeptical, but amused* But of course, Miss Elaine. Would you deign to allow yourself to accompany me to a brighter end of the city?

Elaine: Perhaps, truly depends...will you insist upon my returning home should I refuse? I do happen to enjoy the nightly skies and walks, you know.

Abernathy: *glances at the sky as she mentions it; it's finally getting dark* There are nicer places to stroll, Miss Elaine. Kensington Gardens, for instance. Or Chesley Hall... And I'm afraid that all I can do is insist. I wouldn't lay a hand on a lady, however deuced stubborn she is. *another bow, smiling sardonically under his moustache*

Elaine: Well, they are safer... -lips curl into a bouncy little smile- Perhaps I should accept, if nothing else, but to ease your worries. I'd hate to know I was the cause of a good time gone wrong.

Abernathy: *offers his elbow* Haven't any transportation of my own, at the moment, but a carriage is easily hired if we step onto the next street over. *glances at the sky again, masking a frown*

Elaine: -graciously taking the arm he's offered, she smiles- Well, I certainly didn't arrive here with the aid of transportation, so grieve not, it's really no disappointment.

*meanwhile! --a rather rushed, angry baker storms through the streets, asking everyone about a scrawny little blond, and his whereabouts, including Leslie; the culprit in question catches sight of this and quickly ducks into an alley*

Leslie: *quietly points the baker in the precise opposite direction from which Frances has scampered, and then, after waiting a few moments, saunters over to the alley where he did indeed see the blond disappear*

Frances: -incidentally, about the time he figures it's safe to look around the corner, comes face to shoulder with Leslie, causing him to stumble back with his bread-  Wot ya want...? -accent, despite the English, is obviously German-

Leslie: *rather bland* Aren't you going to share? *also has a slight accent underneath the English-- possible that he comes from up North*

Frances: -although a bit begrudging, tears off a decent enough piece and hands it to him- I dun' 'ave to, so ya 're lucky. *...* Thanks.

Leslie: *accepts the piece with his free hand as he tucks his carnation into his coat pocket* And I didn't have to send that baker sprinting halfway to London Bridge, so you're lucky. You're welcome.

Frances: -rolls his eyes with a grin- I could 'ave ran more, 'e was sla.

Leslie: And angry, and dull-witted, and far too obsessed with so little. *holds out his piece of bread, and a couple of sparrows swoop down from the eaves to land on his fingers and peck happily away for crumbs*

Frances: -with an all too serious face, watching the show before him, finally asks- 're ya a magician?

Leslie: *blinks over at him* No. You've never fed the birds before? The creatures in this city are practically domesticated.

Frances: Not wit' so much result, and not when I'm 'ungry. -shrugs lightly, eating a bit of bread- I work 'ard ter get wot I get, ta feed the animals.

Leslie: *leaning against a wall, watching the sparrows peck; dips his hand into another pocket and flips Frances a penny* For your hard work, then.

Frances: -blinks, catching the penny to examine it- In'cha gonna eat any yourself?

Leslie: *looks a little taken aback, as if he'd forgotten, and pulls a small chunk of bread from what the sparrows have left* Of course... *sticks it in his mouth* >_>

Frances: -laughs, offering him a little more after finishing his own- Yer a funny wahn, you 're.

Leslie: *incredulous* I am? No thanks. *flicks his fingers a little, and the sparrows fly off; he wipes his hand on his trousers*

Frances: Suit yerself. -pockets the piece before removing his hat- Funny 'nuff.

Leslie: *seems a tad unsettled, runs fingers through his drab red hair* What's your name, anyway?

Frances: I'm Frances. -shakes out his own hair- Wot about you?

Leslie: *after a moment, as if thinking, first* Leslie. Leslie Hollis. *gently inquisitive* Do you actually have a job, or does "work" always consist of stealing?

Frances: -pouts unintentionally- I'll 'ave ya kna, I work in a factory. Honest work.

Leslie: *brow wrinkles at the pouting* I didn't mean offence.

Frances: -waves a hand- Not my fault they daan't pay 'nuff... -glances at him- Wot do ya do ter get by?

Leslie: *faltering* I...assist an old cobbler. Mostly it covers rent. But I'm well enough with it. *finally, a smile, although it's not happy* Actually, I'm terrible with shoes. But he puts up with me.

Frances: Hey, drop the bloody frahn, be grateful ya 'ave someone that does. -nudges him with a grin, starting a little on down the street- Ya not from 'ere either?

Leslie: *blinks down when he's nudged, but then trails behind...for lack of anything else to do, it would seem* No. *briefly abandons the painstakingly pronounced English, but keeps voice low* Ah'm from Scotland. Dunna like t'advertise tha', though.

Frances: Nah bad feelings towards ya, I'm from farther south; Germany. -after studying a street, decides he'll cross it-

Leslie: *continues following, not really sure why, but pauses in midstep just before crossing, glancing down the street, frowning a little*

Frances: So long as where I'm from doesn't bother ya, ya won't bother me. -pause- And I owe ya wahn.

Leslie: *distracted tone* Not in the slightest, you're all the same to me...and... *narrowing eyes down the street*

Frances: -finally stops, blinking at him- Wot is it?

Leslie: Ex...cuse me. *starts off down the street without a backward glance*

Frances: -a bit bewildered- Oh, well...thanks all the same, und g'luck to ya, mate.

*Meanwhile, Abernathy and Elaine have started ambling*

Abernathy: Now...Chesley Hall is up to the North, a fair distance, and I should hope you know where Kensington is...which is closer to your place of residence, m'dear?

Elaine: I won't have you escorting me to my door, kind sir, but I might live closer to Kensington.

Abernathy: *exaggerated relief* Oh, good. Wasn't sure what I'd tell the old man if I showed up after half a dozen years with a lady draped on one arm. *as he starts walking with more direction, he glances again at the sky* Dashed hard to see the moon in this ruddy city, isn't it? Pardon me.

Elaine: Why, he might think you'd settled down while away. -follows along, teasing smile on her lips- I'm sure we'll know if we're on the wrong track, should we hit a house.

Abernathy: *dry laugh, but is tense under her hands* Much easier to see in Bombay, I must say. Industry belches away in good old London.

Elaine: I see, well, advances in technology do require some sort of price. -easy smile-  So, Mister Abernathy, you've been stationed in Bombay?  How long have you been back in London?

Abernathy: *rather stiffly, all pomp when it comes to his profession* I'm a major in the British Indian Army; I've been in and out of Bombay, yes, but my regiment has been all over the country. Splendid scenery, beastly mosquitos. I'm on extended leave; nasty case of malaria, but *lifts an eyebrow* I'm quite well now. Thought it'd be best to take a breather. Only been back *pretends to think about it* all of two hours.

Elaine: Very, very impressive, Major, so sorry about the nasty bite, though. -shakes her head with a laugh- My, then I'm quite lucky to have stumbled into you, it seems.

Abernathy: *looks somewhat startled* Nasty bite?

Elaine: You mentioned malaria, I assumed.... -blink-

Abernathy: Oh...ah, yes, of course! *a decidedly English burst of laughter* Nasty bite. *grinning, but fishes out his handkerchief to swipe over his brow*

Elaine: Seems as though my humour is slow to be received. -brows arches high, she pats his arm gently- Are you well, Mister Abernathy?

Abernathy: *half-mutters* Jolly well hope so... *then louder, assuringly* A bit tired from the journey, I'd have to think. You needn't worry about catching anything. *one more glance at the sky*

Elaine: Seems you might need the escort far more than me. -follows his gaze curiously- Something amiss?

Abernathy: *pauses, exhaling slowly* I'd...rather like to think not. Perhaps. Not certain.

Elaine: -worried frown settles across her face- Major, I'm no doctor should you need one, and I doubt a quick smack to your loaf would be the appropriate medication.

Abernathy: No, I don't think that would do me any good...I... *slight shudder* Nn.

Elaine: -biting her lip, as is habit, she starts patting his arm softly- Perhaps we should sit for a while?

Abernathy: *gesticulating vaguely* Yes. Yes. Secluded.

Elaine: Of course...well...there's an alley over this way. -blinks, gesturing towards the little, rickety path-

Abernathy: *only too happy to slip into the alleyway, but sounds oddly nervous*'d be best if...

*a voice from the level of their ankles* Oi! Be BEST if ya get his arse to Mum's!

Elaine: -jumps with a startled noise, looking down for the source of the voice-

*a blue cat sits at their feet, tail swishing emphatically along the dirty ground, sweeping up dust, glaring with yellow eyes* Not even a full moon, you sot, that's tomorrow!

Abernathy: *stares down* ...Good Gad, I'm delirious.

Elaine: -wide eyed- You sure I couldn't catch anything from you, Charles?

Abernathy: *looks over quickly at her* Great Scott, you hear it too?! Nn... *hand to stomach* I...didn't think I was still ill...

*the cat climbs to its paws* Ya listenin' to me? Get control of yourself, mate! Least 'til you can get to Mum's; bloody amateur...

Elaine: As sure as it's night, I can hear it...!  -lightly touches Charle's arm with a nervous laugh- Lord above, I never thought I'd say this...maybe we should listen to the cat?

Abernathy: Er...quite. *winces, bends at the waist --hand jumping gingerly to his stomach again-- and peers down at the cat* What...confound it, this is odd...what are you talking about?

*the cat somehow looks baffled, at least as baffled as a cat can look* You DO know what you are, roight?!

Abernathy: *guilty glance at Elaine* ...I...

Elaine: -blinks up at him- I suppose I'm not to know this, hm? -smiles awkwardly, patting his arm- Quite right, be about your ways then...I've had a lovely time, regardless how short, for what it's worth.

*the cat sounds irritable* Oh, cor', man, just tell the lady! She's already met ME, now, wot difference would it make?!

Abernathy: *taken aback by both of them* The India...he said I oughtn't breathe a word, no matter the circumstances...

Felix: *sarcastic* And I'm Felix the talking cat! TALKING CAT. She won't see stranger than this!

Elaine: ....The cat's got a point, sweets. -blink- This is the strangest day I have ever have said that.

Abernathy: I...daresay I must agree.

Felix: *pause* 'Sides, if you start losin' yourself on th' way to Mum's, it'd be best to have a human around to help set you straight.

Abernathy: *had been opening his mouth to offer a bit of an explanation to Elaine, but now turns again to the cat* Who is "Mum"?

*at that moment, Leslie skids to a halt at the opening to the alley*

Leslie: *blinks*

Elaine: -stares, from one to the other- Lord above, what now...? -shaking her head as she runs a hand through her hair- I'd like to think I'm patient, but perhaps we should go, yes?

Abernathy: *staring from the cat to the newcomer in confusion* ...Is THAT Mum?

Leslie: *ducks into the alley to join them, looking indignant* No! Rosetta Mae Habborlain is. Mother Rose. "Mum". *cocks an eyebrow at the cat*

Felix: *who is staring back up in what can only be described as wonderment* ...Never thought Oi'd see one of YOU...ever...

Leslie: *quick flush of colour* Hush! *turns to Elaine and Abernathy, tilting his head* It's far to walk. And Rosetta's familiar can't get you all there quickly by himself. *blinks at Elaine, after a little double-take* You need not go.

Elaine: -frowns indignantly at his words- Well, excuse me, then. If I'm not needed, I'll kindly take my leave.

Abernathy: *hastily, forgoing formal address* You can if you want, Elaine! *then, to Leslie, mouth curling into a sneer* And who are you, pray tell? Barging in here an...and... *hand to chest, now, and looks a touch dizzy*

Leslie: Truly a novice. Not even a full moon. *shakes head* Well, if we're all going, you'll have to excuse what I do to the human afterward. *places one hand on Abernathy's shoulder and one one Elaine's*

Elaine:  -has to think twice about shrugging his hand off, posture a bit tense- It's at this point one might fear for their safety, after a remark like that.

Felix: *rubbing against Leslie's ankles* By all means, take it away, mate! But wot you doin' in a CITY, of all places...! And how do you know where Mum lives if--

*Leslie ignores both of them, and for a brief second his hair, dull until that moment, flares bright red...
and they vanish from the alley*

*they reappear right in the interior of a very posh terrace in central London, startling a petite older woman, dark hair sporting slight silver streaks at her temples, seated in a rocking chair; she drops her knitting from her lap to the rug with a muted yelp*

Elaine: -positively pale from experiencing this new 'method of transportation', clutching to Charle's arm unbeknownst to herself-

Rosetta: *quick to rise to her feet* Goodness gracious sake's ALIVE! Felix, what have you brought me this time?!

Abernathy: *also pale, but hugging his chest with one arm, an odd light in his eye* Wh...what...!

Rosetta: Oh dear, oh dear! *brushes Leslie away preemptively, not really paying him much heed, and laying her own hands on Charles' shoulders* Relax, young man! It's not your time yet. *then, satisfied, turns to Elaine and finds one of her hands to squeeze, speaking cheerfully* Tea, dear?

Abernathy: *relaxes to the point where he nearly droops and keels over when Rose touches him; looks mildly, drowsily surprised*

Felix: *has leaped into Rose's chair, meanwhile, her knitting in his mouth, and chewing contentedly* Sh'not a bovver, eh, Mum...?

Elaine: -finding the ability to speak again, nods- Oh...ah, y-yes ma'am, thank you... -blink-

Rosetta: *loudly* Felix, spit out my mittens this instant and get the tea started! *as he rushes to oblige in a streak of blue, she reaches and tidies Elaine's hair* I suppose it's been an exciting evening, Miss...?

Abernathy: Nuh... *wobbles his way to an armchair, attempts to sit in it, nearly misses, and rather collapses into it instead*

Elaine: I'm not quite sure that...exciting is the term I'd use...interesting, for sure. -offers an awkward smile of thanks- Is he going to be alright?

Rosetta: *friendly, dismissive* Not to worry, not to worry, I've just given him the magical equivalent of a good dose of laudanum. Honey or sugar, dear?

Elaine: Oh, right, magic... -short laugh- Not a common part of my life, ma'am, but I' my mind for tonight. -pause- Honey, please.

Rosetta: *charming smile* You'd do well to suspend your disbelief in this home, Miss Wright. Honey it is.

Elaine: -about to find a seat until her name is used, blinking at the older woman- I' just that, thank you.

Leslie: *speaking up softly; he had wandered over to the fireplace shortly after arriving, keeping to himself* If you could spare me a bit, as well...

Rosetta: *finally turns to acknowledge Leslie, and studies him for several silent moments, tapping her finger on her lips; when she speaks, it's very polite, and while her words are a statement, there’s a hint of a question* Well met, Good Neighbor. I’m glad to see you’ve finally decided to visit.

Leslie: *meets Rose's eyes steadily* Don't call me that. Please.

Felix: *calling from the kitchen* Oi need thumbs for this next part, Mum!

Rosetta: Make yourselves comfortable. *hurries to assist*

Abernathy: *not quite asleep in his chair, but not particularly alert*

Elaine: -nods and moves to Charles’ side, smiling sympathetically as she studies him- Well, you sure do weave up strange situations, Charles. -shakes her head-

Abernathy: *mumbles* Terribly sorry...

Elaine: -warm smile- I never said it was bad, you geezer.

Rosetta: *returns with a tray, teapot, cups and sandwiches arranged meticulously over it, Felix right on her heels* Nothing's a better natural restorative than tea, in my opinion! *picks up one of the tea cups after she sets the tray on the table, offering it to Leslie* And honey.

Elaine: -blinks at her return, graciously taking her cup- Thank you kindly, ma'am, it smells quite lovely.

Rosetta: Call me Rose! But whatever you're comfortable with. *turning back to Leslie* Speaking of comfortable, I feel like you're itching to take flight. Not feeling sociable...? ...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Leslie: *short* No. I can't say this makes me comfortable. *handing her back an empty teacup* Leslie Hollis.

Felix: *takes Rose's rocking chair again, this time with a sandwich between his paws*

Rosetta: *shakes her head slowly* That name doesn't suit you.

Leslie: *simply* That's all you get, Mother Rose. *moves past her and stops in front of Elaine; addresses her softly* I apologise for my rudeness.

Elaine: -mid-sip, stops to look up at him- Apology accepted, Hollis, and my own to you for my resulting curtness.

Leslie: *retrieves the white carnation from his pocket, holds it before her, and reaches to gently take her free hand, holding it near the blossom* This is for you. For remembrance. *then abruptly closes her fist over the head of the flower* Now forget. *vanishes, leaving the flower...making Elaine forget that she’d ever met him*

Rosetta: *looks startled for a moment, then hides a smile as she picks up her own cup of tea, holding it in front of her lips; murmurs,* ...Nice spell...

Elaine: -blinks slowly after the spell, returning to her own tea, setting the carnation across her lap, choosing at this point to not question anything at all 'magical'-

Abernathy: *has fallen asleep, meanwhile*

Elaine: -glances at the soldier with a smile, finishing her cup- Thank you, again, Miss Rose.

Rosetta: *smiles warmly back, sitting in her rocking chair* Anything else you'll be needing, Miss Wright?


Rosetta: *jumps up*

Elaine: -shrieks despite herself, covering her mouth to hide a laugh there after- No, Miss Rose...I should think not.

Rosetta: *giving Felix a dirty look, straightening her skirt* Ahem. You may leave if you want, then, dear...Major Abernathy shall be staying here with me through tomorrow night, at least.

Elaine: Oh, I see...well then, might you give him a message once he wakes?  You see, he owes me a stroll through the streets, now. -sets her glass back on the tray with a smile-

Rosetta: *lifts an eyebrow, eyes twinkling* Oh? I'll be sure to pass that along, dear...and what a catch, I must say. A real military tiger. Not the sort of fellow to let you down. Tough as nails. *smiiiiiile*

Elaine: -colour warms her cheeks- I think you may be seeing too much into this, Miss Rose, this is a....friendly stroll. -fans herself as she stands- Might you have paper so I could write?  He doesn't know where I live, otherwise I could only hope to chance a meeting with him again.

Rosetta: *still smiiiiiiling, fetches a pen and some stationary* Of course. Help yourself. It'll mean more coming from you, naturally.

Felix: *snorts, grooming himself in a terribly undignified position*

Elaine: -pointedly ignoring Felix, takes the paper from her- He'd better thank you for your help when he wakes, as well. -sets about writing her little message to Charles, including her address-

Rosetta: *twinkle, twinkle, sip* I'll see to it that he does.

Elaine: -still a little pink in the face, offers the note to her- This is really nothing more than a friendly outing...

Rosetta: Of course, of course, dear. *takes the note and slips it into her pocket* That'll be flashed right under the Major's nose once he awakes, along with a strong cup of tea.

Elaine: Thank you. -smiles, adjusting her skirts- I should be off. I think I'll find myself asleep in no time after this little adventure.

Rosetta: Without a doubt. *clasps her hand* Wonderful to meet you, dear, and perhaps our paths shall cross again.

Elaine: I would like to think so, and it's been an...enchanting evening, what with talking cats and magic. -chuckles, squeezing her hand kindly- Perhaps we'll meet for tea, someday?  Wonderful pick-me-up, but just as good when served with good conversation.

Rosetta: And honey. *another twinkle* But of course! And now I have your address, as well, so I can look you up. *pauses* By the by, you'll need to take New Oxford Street to get you going in the proper direction to get home.

Elaine: Of course, honey too. -gives a polite bow as she moves to the door- That is handy information, now isn't it?  Thank you, Miss Rose, take care of yourself.

Rosetta: And you too, dear! Safe journey home. *waves her hand casually...sending her off with a little blessing to help ensure that last bit comes true*


Frances, Elaine ~ :iconryuichifoxe:

Leslie, Abernathy, Rosetta & Felix ~ :iconinonibird:

1912, London © *Inonibird & *RyuichiFoxe
© 2009 - 2024 1912London
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MagicFlavoredCrayon's avatar
Good for the imagination. 8D I like.